Artwork Competition

Picture made by @awtp
Salutations Tamers!
Ah our favorite time of the year... Fall! Where all of yesteryears nightmares take form and haunt us, but also model for artists! Grab your model ghouls and get to drawing! This time there is a little spin on the theme because last years submissions where rather bright so lets try darkness for a change (real scary stuff!).
Join the official Discord server of by clicking the yellow button below and check the #artwork-competition channel to post your masterpiece!
- Add your game id in your message submission (the number next to your username)
- Post only one design per person. If you make another one that you think is better, delete the previous one - Must include Fall / Darkness (remember: / means you can do all or one) - OC art must have other taming references
The 12 best artworks for the event will be picked, and a prize will be handed out to the winners! If you want your prize faster type your taming ID on your post (not in your artwork please!) You also win the Artwork competition winner Role in the Discord server!