Let's do math

The T.A.M.E.R exam has been available for several days now.
I understand that some of the multiple-choice questions in the exam are a bit challenging, so I'm providing you with the complete solution for the most difficult exercises, as well as the tool to calculate the answers.
You can download the detailed and complete answer to the most challenging questions of the T.A.M.E.R Exam here.
And here is the tool to calculate the answer. To understand how to use it, you should read the complete answer.
Calculate the average number of stones/apples required to increase the taming chance with a Slingshot or an Appletor.
k = number of shots required | p = chance of a successful shot
Calculate the probability of taming a certain number of Tamons in a given number of trials
k = number of taming attempts | t = Number of successful tamings
p = chance of successful taming