Tamon.io Tutorial

Tamon.io is a bot that allows you to play a unique RPG on the lore of Taming.io.
In this game, you have to play simultaneously with many people for more fun.
You play a single tamer, and control it at the same time.

Take part in the adventure of the young Tamer!

Alone, or with your friends, become the greatest Tamer by starting from scratch and taking on the gym champions.
You will discover the village of Tamers, and the city of cattle where the champion is waiting for you! Solve puzzles and above all, capture wild animals and train them to become better!
How to play?

To play, you have to click on the buttons every time the picture refreshes.
The buttons change depending on the scene you are in.
The bot will then make a decision for the next action to do.
To make this decision, you can choose two different mode:
The Dictatorship of the Majority
Currently active in the game
This is the easiest mode. In this mode, the majority choice is always selected.
Let's take an example:
Voted by 3 people
Voted by 2 people
Voted by 4 people
Voted by 1 people
The choice that will be selected will be
because it is the majority choice.
This mode relies on your leadership ability. A majority always ends up led by a leader. This is the nature of tamers. Who will be the boss? Is the leader thoughtful? You will see by your own choice! But know that the majority is not always right.
The Stochastic Democracy
A random choice is selected from all the choices purely at random. This makes the choices a little more chaotic, as a minority choice can also be considered.
Let's take an example:
Voted by 3 people
Voted by 2 people
Voted by 4 people
Voted by 1 people
In this case, the chance of the choice being selected will be:




This mode makes the game much more interesting, because it's about fighting bad decisions. And how do you fight against bad decisions that can happen at any time? You have to look long term. And how do you see the long term? We must adapt a so-called resilient strategy.
A resilient strategy is a strategy that takes into consideration possible mistakes but still works in the long run. Here some examples of resilient tactics:
- Don't take all the bushes from the beginning! This avoids unnecessary apple consumption. This way you have just enough bush for one fight, and you have plenty of time to come back and take the unconsumed bush.
- Be sure to have pets of sufficient level before a big fight, so that even with bad decisions your chances to win will be higher.
Of course this is a more difficult mode than the dictatorship of democracy, but so much deeper and basically allows you to think about the eternal conflict between order and chaos!
How to tame?
A pet start with a negative percentage chance to tame
In another word, you will always fail to tame.
If you throw a stone or an apple, you win +10% of tame on it.

If you reduce the life of the pet, you can win a bonus of up to +49% of tame.

You want to tame a boar
The animal starts with -60% chance to be tamed.
You reach to reduce its life to 1HP -> you receive a bonus of 49%.
Then you send 2 stones -> you win 20%.
Read it if you are a mathematician Tamer
-60% + 49% + 2 x 10% = 9%
You will have 9% chance to tame the boar if you play this way. You are free to throw more stones to increase your chance.
The more the life of a pet decreases, the more you increase your chances of taming it:
Mathematician Tamer, are you ready?
50% * (Current health of the wild pet) / (Max health of the wild pet) + 10% * (Number of stone or apple)
Current array of pets %
Wolf: -60%Rabbit: -60%Bear: -60% |
Fox: -50%Boar: -60%Bull: -100% |
Cow: -120%Polecat: -10%Skunk: -10% |
Sheep: -10%Horse: -60%White Spider: -70% |
Statistics during a combat
Attack and Attack Magic
Influence on the power of your attack and skill and their associated effects
Influence on your health points
Influence on critical chance, who start the first, miss effect, run away effect
Miss malus
Influence on miss effect only
Skill malus and bonus can stack and the effect last till the end of the battle.
Missed attacks
Mathematician Tamer, we need an informatician Tamer!
Miss effect is computed such like:
max (1, (speed of your enemy) - (speed of your animal)) * (Miss Malus) / 60
A baby bear (Speed: 5) versus a baby polecat (Speed: 6)
max (1, 6 - 5) * 1 / 60 = ~1.67% to miss your attack
But now, let's say the polecat throw a "Toxic Fog" attack then the Miss malus bonus will go from 1 to 2.
max (1, 6 - 5) * 2 / 60 = ~3.33% to miss your attack
But now imagine, you are fighting right after against a Boar that can slow down your pets with its "Infernal Mud".
Then the compute will be like:
max (1, 6 - 4) * 2 / 60 = ~6.7% to miss your attack
At most, you can accumulate a miss chance of 80%. In other word it's blocked at 80%, the skill can't stack more after this number.
Run away from a wild animal
The chance is computed like this:
(speed of your animal) / (speed wild animal)
Let's say you have a speed of 5 and the wild animal have a speed of 10, then you will have 5/10 = 50% of chance to run away.
If the animal can increase its speed with a Dash, it will be more and more difficult to run away from it as time goes by
Critical Effect
The critical hit chance:
(speed of your animal) / 150
Apple and Stone
Apples can be used for two things:
- to heal from 150 health points
- to add +10% chance to tame a wild pet.
You can find apples in bushes, in hollow logs and also in Tamon Shop.
The stones are only used to add +10% chance to tame a wild pet.
You can easily find them on most of the stones in the game and also in the Tamon Shop.