Trade your items with the Merchant

Having trouble catching that butterfly? Struggling to craft a potion? Or maybe you're overrun with insects? If you've lost your taste for potions, fret not! At the new merchant's store, you can buy or sell just about anything!
The new merchant is here, ready to trade with you!
Catch bugs and exchange them for golden apples. Craft potions to delight other tamers. Keep an eye out for rare items and choose the perfect moment to sell.
How does the merchant work?
Sell items

The merchant is eager to purchase your inventory!
However, the pricing is discerning. Rare items fetch a higher price than common ones.
Prices fluctuate based on inventory levels too.
If he's overloaded with unsold stock, he might not offer you the best golden apple rate.
Yet, if you present a highly sought-after item, he'll undoubtedly up the ante.
For instance, empty lamps can only be obtained during the Genie event. Yet, they are crucial for crafting Djinn Lamps. Given their scarcity, the demand for them is expected to greatly outstrip the supply. The situation is similar with the Djinn Lamps themselves.
Buy items

Items available for purchase are directly sourced from player sales. The dealer offers everything he acquires from you.
The price of each item hinges on demand and its rarity. Stay alert for the best deals.
Time limited

Each item is available for a limited time. If an item is not sold, the dealer gets rid of it, so don't wait too long.
Daily limits

The buying and selling system is regulated by daily limits. Each player can purchase or sell up to 10 items.
If you bought or sold items, you will have to wait one hour to regain a point, and therefore 10 hours to reach the limit again if you have spent everything.