The Octopus is here

The 8-legged boss has arrived in the ocean biome! Take care when facing him, as his power could blind you!
The Octopus Boss is the first Boss of the Ocean biome on Once dead, he releases his pets which are similar to him. You can tame up to 3 pets per boss.
When attacked, the boss octopus sinks into the depths of the ocean and tries to suck up its enemies with its beak.
Although the octopus boss is a water type, and therefore sensitive to plant and electrical types, his skill is a poison type.
This makes the choice of pet combo more difficult, as you'll need to ensure that the poison doesn't kill them, while inflicting a lot of damage directly on the boss.
But what exactly is this poison skill?
The giant octopus shoots bubbles of ink that bounce off the ground and then explode.
Be careful to avoid it on the first bounce, as it will inflict damage on those who catch it in the head. Once on the ground, it will explode, dispersing its ink and blinding anyone who enters its black smoke.
However, it is possible to avoid blindness by wearing a poison cape. The cape dissipates the blinding effects, but does not cancel out all the damage sustained.