The Bee Keeper's effects

In, hats provide tamers with a stylish way to gain various advantages. Available for purchase using in-game gold, these stylish accessories can be equipped to enhance your gameplay experience and offer unique benefits tailored to your strategic needs.

In which situation should the Bee Keeper's hat be used?
The Bee Keeper's hat is used if you have chosen to devote part of your game to catching insects.

To do this, you must first have chosen to unlock the Bug Net at level 5 instead of the Saddle, the Appletor and the Slingshot.

It can also be useful if you have a Toad. These animals have the ability to capture insects with their tongue, without you having to unlock the Bug Net.
What are the effects of the Bee Keeper's hat?
The Bee Keeper's hat is an ally in your quest. It will allow you to have a 7% chance of duplicating the capture of your insects. It becomes an indispensable asset for catching rare insects, or insects that you have trouble finding.
How to improve the effects of the hat?

Your hat can be upgraded by using an Acceleration and Replication Tonic. When you play a game with this potion, the bee keeper's hat doubles its effect and you get not a 7% chance of duplicating your insects but a 7% chance of quadrupling them! in other words, you can win 4 bugs at once.
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